Game of Thrones Episode 605: “The Door” Trailer Breakdown

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The Kingsmoot! It looks like what took chapters and chapters of tedium in A Feast for Crows will be accomplished in the space of a single episode.

It probably helps that this guy is not actually Aeron “Damphair” Greyjoy, but a random Drowned Priest, which helps streamline some of the drama.

It also helps that there aren’t half a hundred Ironborn all trying to claim the throne. There’s just Yara….

And this guy. Yara thought Theon’s return was well timed? Not even close. (Tourism Ireland thanks Game of Thrones for this shot.)

Meanwhile, in Meereen, our second Red Priestess with questionable motives has turned up.

I’m upset that Missandei and Grey Worm are not here to give council on what they think of this new Red Woman.

Note that Varys is so upset and mistrustful he’s literally trying to protect Tyrion from her by standing between them.

Does anyone else wonder what she looks like when she takes the necklace off?

Maybe Varys already knows?

Next: Wake Up, Little Sleepyhead