Most of the new images are from the confrontation on the steps of the Sept of Baelor. On that note, let’s welcome back Lancel Lannister, making his Season 6 debut! Now if only we could find Bronn…
It looks like Lancel is still very much a part of the High Sparrow’s cult. His fellow fanatic Septa Unella is also on hand, ready to ring that shame bell.
We’ve also got profile shots of Margaery…
…and the High Sparrow, who doesn’t seem to be on the steps of the Sept in this shot. Anybody recognize that sigil next to him? The twisting lines suggest roots, which suggests a rose, which suggests the Tyrells, but that’s not the way that sigil is usually depicted.
Jaime sits astride a white horse (Honor?) at the head of a Tyrell army. He will not be messed with.
Leaving King’s Landing, we’ve got another shot of Daenerys on the road to Meereen. Seeing as the title of the episode is “Blood of My Blood,” a Dothraki phrase, she should play an important part.
Finally, it looks like we’re going to see Part 2 of the play Arya watched in “The Door.”
How will whatever hack wrote this interpret Joffrey’s death? It’ll probably have a different spin.
Oh, it just hit me. You know why Arya’s laughing while everyone else is frowning in the picture on the first page? Because the play probably depicts Joffrey’s death as a tragedy, but Arya, having known the little wanker, likely enjoys it very much.