Meanwhile, back in King’s Landing, Olenna is really not happy with how things went down at the Sept of Baelor. I assume she’s tried to talk to Margaery and failed to break through.
But she’s not going to blame her granddaughter—after all, she raised her granddaughter.
No, she’s going to blame Cersei for starting this whole mess in the first place with her short-sighted stupidity.
Meanwhile, Cersei’s not the only one finding herself on the defensive. Up north, so is Sansa Stark, seen here with Jon Snow and Davos during their canvasing of the North. That’s the Mormont sigil hanging on the Wall, which puts the gang on Bear Island.
“I did what I had to do to survive.” What do we think she’s trying to justify?
Here, Sansa speaks with a representative from House Glover—note the raised fist banner.
Based on her face, the meeting might not have gone well.
She signed this letter, wherever it’s going, as “Sansa Stark.” I guess “Sansa Stark Lannister Bolton” wouldn’t have fit on the paper with the seal and everything. Sam’s not lying about parchment size being a problem when communicating in this day and age. Can anybody read what she wrote, or has the show blurred it successfully?
Next: Supporting Banners