Screencap Breakdown: Bran’s Visions from “Blood of My Blood”

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This pair of images, of pyromancers down in the wildfire containment area, appears over and over throughout Bran’s vision. The most obvious conclusion is that these are images from when Aerys wanted to burn down King’s Landing, but it’s always possible that we’re seeing something from the future.

Drogon, flying over the water. We’re pretty sure this is taken from when Tyrion and Jorah seeing him last season.

This is an image we’ve been seeing since Season 4: Drogon’s shadow over King’s Landing.

Though hardcore Game of Thrones fans know this, many don’t: the original failed pilot actually had the Mad King in it, burning Ned Stark’s father and brother. This is not that actor, though. Just so you know.

Images from the Massacre at Hardhome appear frequently in Bran’s visions. Poor Karsi.

Bran falls…

…and the sun rises.

Next: A repeating sequence