Direwolves: Where are they now? We catch you up on the Stark family pets

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6. Lady

Oh Lady, we barely knew ye. Appearing in just two episodes of the series before her death in “The Kingsroad,” the direwolf Lady was every bit as regal and reserved as her master, Sansa Stark. Like the other direwolves, Lady was played by a Northern Inuit dog, in this case a dog named Zunni that actress Sophie Turner later adopted as a pet.

Lady was easily the most well-behaved of the Stark direwolves, taking after her owner. Lady died after Arya’s direwolf, Nymeria, attacked the young King Joffrey Baratheon (with plenty of cause) en route to King’s Landing. Cersei, Joffrey’s mother, wanted Nymeria killed, but Arya, suspecting something like that would come to pass, chased Nymeria away beforehand. But Cersei would not be deterred, and convinced her husband the king to order Lady executed in Nymeria’s place.

Ned Stark, recognizing that the Lannisters would likely butcher the direwolf and take the pelt as a trophy, carried out King Robert’s death sentence personally, and ordered Lady’s remains returned to the North, where she belonged. And in keeping with the theme of connection among the pack and Stark siblings, Summer howls at the death of Lady, even though it happened hundreds of miles away, awakening his owner Bran from his comatose state. Spooky.

Next: 5. A companion for a king