Direwolves: Where are they now? We catch you up on the Stark family pets

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5. Grey Wind

It’s a toss up between Ghost and Grey Wind for best name amongst the direwolves, and perhaps for that reason, Grey Wind and Ghost share an affinity for kicking ass and taking names. As the companion of Robb Stark, Grey Wind accompanied the King in the North throughout the War of the Five Kings, and remained a constant threat to Lannister soldiers everywhere until his death at the Twins alongside his master and the rest of the Stark faithful.

Belonging to the oldest of the Stark children appeared to result in more than just similarly cool names, as both Ghost and Grey Wind also grew to be the largest direwovles in the litter. Perhaps as a direct result of this, both Ghost and Grey Wind were the most naturally suited for battle. Along with being able to sense outright danger to his master, Grey Wind was able to pick up on subliminal messages sent by Robb, as we saw when the direwolf was hostile to both Tyrion and Jaime Lannister on separate occasions, despite Robb not raising his voice or being outright hostile to either man.

Sadly, Robb would not heed his direwolf’s sense before the Red Wedding, to the doom of both man and beast. Grey Wind senses the coming danger to Robb and the Stark host, but is locked in a kennel and unable to save Robb from the Frey betrayal. After Robb is killed by Roose Bolton, Frey soldiers easily finish off Grey Wind with crossbow bolts, before it can escape its confinement and wreak bloody vengeance. In a further mockery of House Stark and the rumors of Robb’s ability to transform into a wolf himself, Frey soldiers decapitate Grey Wind and Robb, and sew Grey Wind’s head onto Rob’s body, ending the life of the King in the North and his faithful companion.

Next: 4. Fierce, wild, and black of fur