Check out action-packed images from “Battle of the Bastards” (UPDATE: Many more)

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Here we go. “Battle of the Bastards,” the all-important ninth episode of Game of Thrones Season 6, has been hyped for a long time. HBO has released a bunch of official images from the hour, and some of them look pretty intense. Let’s take a look.

First of all, the show is clearly going all out with the numbers. Look at the assembled masses.

And now, let’s check in with some of our major players. We’ve got Davos Seaworth, riding a horse in front of some soldiers holding Stark banners.

Sansa and Jon look over the field of battle.

Tormund Giantsbane yells out a battle cry.

Ramsay Bolton mounted, with Bolton and Umber banners fluttering in the background. And I think that’s the Karstark sunburst on some of those shields.

Wun Wun runs! That’s got to look intimidating to an enemy army.

A stately Jon Snow sits atop a horse.

And here he is on foot, his man-bun undone, facing down a charge of heavy horse. Something’s…gone wrong. Hopefully he gets an assist right quick.

The official, shortened description of this episode is, “Terms of surrender are rejected and accepted.” Yes, based on all the yelling and fighting, negotiations have definitely fallen through. There are no images of any character outside the North and we don’t expect there to be. Most likely, “Battle of the Bastards” will be all set in one location, a la Season 2’s “Blackwater” or Season 4’s “The Watchers on the Walls.”

Even so, a few characters are absent. There’s no sign of Rickon, who’s still Ramsay’s prisoner; or Littlefinger; who may or may not show up with the Knights of the Vale to help Sansa out.

New images have come in. Click below to see them.

Next: Boltons and Starks and Giants and Red Priestesses

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