"“[Jaime] once said, ‘The things I do for love,’ and it was all about protecting his sister and also the kids. Now they’re all gone.”"
That’s Nicolaj Coster-Waldau talking about Jaime’s current circumstances, and that’s not the only irony he sees in the situation. “The cruel irony is he killed the Mad King in order to save King’s Landing, and he comes back to find out his sister pulled the trigger instead.”
In short, it seems like Jaime and Cersei may have a difficult time ahead of them. When Jaime looks at Cersei being crowned, Coster-Waldau thinks that’s he’s basically “in shock.”
"So many things are going through his head — you look down and you see your sister telling the rest of the world to go to hell. The woman you love has turned into this seemingly mad woman. If you were a couples counselor, you would tell him to maybe reconsider this relationship."
Both Simon and Coster-Waldau make references to Cersei being crazy, which can’t bode well for anybody anywhere. Some fans have pointed out how odd it was that Jaime and Cersei were growing closer in Season 6, since they’re on the outs by this point in George R.R. Martin’s books. Comments like these make me think that a break is coming.
Never again?
This begs the question: exactly what would Cersei have to do for Jaime to leave her? Coster-Waldau speculated.
"I don’t know how far he has to be pushed. If he can forgive her for this, I think he can forgive her for everything. She was responsible for genocide, she forced their last child to commit suicide. On a scale of 1 to 100, with 100 being this is the moment when you have to leave, I think we are at 99.9. But it’s “Game of Thrones,” so you never know."
If Jaime does leave Cersei, he has other options. As Coster-Waldau points out, he’s older and more experienced now, and proved that he can cut through “the craziness of war” and resolve conflicts relatively peacefully at the siege of Riverrun. And he may have lost his appetite for destruction after losing so much. “[H]e’s experienced real loss — he’s lost his father, he’s lost his daughter. You can argue in some ways he’s lost his sister — she’s definitely gone to the dark force. That changes you.”
With Daenerys on her way back to Westeros, Jaime may come back into contact with Tyrion in Season 7, and it’s anyone’s guess as to how that’ll go down. And then there’s Brienne, waiting in the wings.
"When they spent that long journey together back to King’s Landing and learned to trust each other, I think that was the first time Jaime ever spent time with a grown woman other than his sister. She represents the best parts of me, and clearly there’s a love and an attraction, but it’s an impossible scenario. They’re both dedicated to other people’s needs. And I don’t think they’ll ever be able to put themselves first."
With the Game of Thrones team “hurtling toward” an ending, expect Jaime’s journey to continue apace when Season 7 rolls around.