Game of Thrones Screencap Breakdown: “The Winds of Winter”

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Confess! Actually, don’t. Cersei’s going to do all the confessing, like an evil mad woman just before James Bond breaks his restraints and takes him down.

Oh, wait…this isn’t a Bond movie. And Jaws was never this freaky looking, or Franken-mountainous. (We lightened the shot because it was too dark to see the detail the makeup department did otherwise.)

Shame! Shame! Shame!

Tommen, everyone you love has been murdered by your mother. If you were Joffrey, you’d torture her in public and laugh.

Oh right, you’re not Joffrey. And you’re not cut out for this, are you? (Note that his last act is to remove the crown, like he’s giving up his throne.)

And with that, our death toll of speaking characters so far this evening is: the High Sparrow, Margaery, Loras, Lancel, Kevan, Pycelle, Mace, Unella (?), and Tommen.

When was the last time we lost even close to that many characters in one blow? Oh, right! (The Twins are very pretty though.)

Walder Frey toasts his murdering partners in crime, the Lannisters!

Bronn is so unimpressed.

This shot is more important once you’ve seen the episode all the way through. Otherwise it just looks like another flirty girl that Jaime isn’t going to sleep with.

You know, considering that Cersei just outdid Frey in the mass carnage department, and Jaime’s already a Kingslayer, why do we need Walder Frey anyway?

Back in King’s Landing, unbeknownst to Jaime, Cersei is ordering their last child’s body to be burned and buried in the ashes of the Sept. She should have let him go to the trial and die with the rest.

Next: Winter Done Come