Liam Cunningham (Davos) is worried for Jon Snow—”Kings don’t do terribly well on our show.”

Liam Cunningham (Davos Seaworth) may be my favorite Game of Thrones cast member. They’ll all great, but this guy just gives the most thorough, fun interviews. He’s always got something interesting to say.

The tradition continues with a new interview on HBO’s Making Game of Thrones blog, which is reporting live from San Diego Comic-Con International. The yearly pop cultural celebration is in full swing, and Cunningham was on hand to talk about his Season 6 arc and his thoughts on Season 7.

Making Game of Thrones also interviewed Kristian Nairn (Hodor)—both actors will be appearing on a massive Game of Thrones panel discussion later today. Neither have had a look at the scripts for Season 7 yet, but that didn’t stop Cunningham from worrying about what the new year might hold for Jon Snow, the new King in the North.

"I’m not sure that’s going to be a good thing for Jon Snow. The kings don’t do terribly well on our show. They don’t last too long."

He’s got a point. So far, we’ve seen a lot of kings die. In chronological order: Robert, Renly, Robb, Joffrey, Mance Rayder, Stannis, Balon Greyjoy, and Tommen. Is Jon destined to follow in their footsteps? That ominous music cue that played when Jon was made King in the North, not to mention the significant look Sansa and Littlefinger shared, suggests that all may not be well.

On lighter topics, Cunningham weighed in on the potential for romance between Tormund and Brienne. It turns out he’s as excited by the prospect as the rest of us. “I really, really hope we might see some sort of romance blossom between Tormund and Brienne,” he said. “I would so love to see the two of them together!” Hey, they both survived Season 6—anything’s possible.

Like the fans, Cunningham was also a big fan of Bella Ramsey’s Season 6 turn as Lyanna Mormont. “She’s a little star, isn’t she?” he said. “She’s incredibly professional and a delight to work with.” Let’s all hope she gets more of the spotlight in Season 7.

Nairn, meanwhile, is “so excited for Season 7.” And for the record, he doesn’t think Hodor is coming back as a wight, although he’s been asked about it continually. “That’s been the new ‘Is Jon Snow alive?’ for me. I’m like, ‘I don’t know. Pretty sure I’m dead.’”

"Everyone’s waited for Dany to arrive at King’s Landing with her dragons. It looks like it’s about to happen… Unless a giant squid wraps up all the ships. Who knows? It’s so exciting. I can’t wait."

Again, Nairn has no foreknowledge about Season 7, but I note that the sigil of House Greyjoy is a giant squid (a kraken, technically), and that Euron Greyjoy is building a huge fleet of deadly ships…stay tuned.

Cunningham is equally excited. “There’s so many open stories. I don’t know what’s coming. I’m dying to find out.” As are we all.