John Barrowman Cosplays at Comic-Con International: San Diego 2016


John Barrowman went all out with his multiple cosplaying at Comic-Con International: San Diego 2016.

As to be expected, John Barrowman wasted no time starting his shenanigans at Comic-Con International in San Diego, California. We begin with his unique Star Wars ensemble, in which he pranced around in masked anonymity — displaying a fabulousness that is inherently his own.

… In fact, my fiance sent me one of the videos, and I guessed that it was Barrowman before I even saw the name.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

I know that this is not cosplaying, but I just had to mention his obligatory appearance wearing high heels at a panel, as he often does for such occasions. He also brought a pair specifically for his Arrow costar Stephen Amell to wear, which Barrowman slipped on Amell’s feet, Cinderella style. They then had an impromptu auction for an audience member to have their picture taken with the duo… for charity, of course. Barrowman also gave Amell his first lesson in walking in pumps.

It did not seem possible, but Barrowman may have topped all of the times that he has worn heels, dresses, and/or wigs at conventions. To introduce Matt Groening at Comic-Con’s Eisner Awards, Barrowman cosplayed as Captain Zapp Brannigan from the animated science fiction comedy show Futurama.

More from Doctor Who

A while back, we shared an article comparing Barrowman’s Doctor Who and Torchwood character, Captain Jack Harkness, to Captain James T Kirk. Brannigan is something of a wannabe Kirk and, in the same vein, a wannabe Harkness. Both Kirk and Harkness possess great magnetism and charisma when it comes to romancing their objects of desire. The clueless and arrogant Brannigan, on the other hand, usually strikes out. And when he technically initially succeeds, it is usually with great reluctance on the part of the other party… as well as ending with their dissatisfaction.

But, wait! There’s more! Barrowman one-upped both Alex Kingston and Michelle Gomez in their wearing of ears and tails with his Squirrel Girl cosplay.

And then there’s his Harley Quinn

The epicness of all of this is too much. I have died. I am dead.

(Article continues below the next post link.)

Next: John Barrowman in Talks to Produce More Torchwood for TV

Keep in mind that the con has just begun. What will we see next from John Barrowman? Stay tuned…