Isaac Hempstead Wright on Bran Stark’s coming “moral dilemma,” and other cast interviews

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We’re still cleaning up videos from San Diego Comic-Con 2016, and Access Hollywood has a bevy of them. In this one, Isaac Hempstead Wright talks about that moment when the Night King touched Bran Stark back in “The Door.” That contact made it so the Night Kind could enter the Three-Eyed Raven’s cave. Might it allow him to cross over the Wall, too?

Bran should be a big deal in Season 7. Are we in for another Stark reunion? We can hope.

Liam Cunningham also chatted with Access Hollywood, talking about “The Winds of Winter,” Lyanna Mormont (apparently actress Bella Ramsey got a standing ovation after she gave her “King in the North” speech), his slight hesitancy to follow Jon Snow as a new king, and where Brienne fits into the Davos/Tormund bromance.

So put Cunningham in the camp of people who think there may be trouble between Jon and Sansa in the future. We’ll see.

There were plenty of opportunities to interview the actors at Comic-Con. After meeting up in the Hall of Faces, Access Hollywood had another go at Cunningham on the show floor, where he discussed “Battle of the Bastards” and whether Davos and Melisandre will ever meet again. As usual, Cunningham is the best. Why hasn’t he gotten an Emmy nomination?

TV Line got the chance to interview Cunningham and Wright together, and the pair of them lamented the fact that, for Season 7, they were going to have to endure cold weather and, according to Cunningham, “night shoots.” Huh. Well, winter isn’t the only thing that’s coming—the Long Night is also on the way. Other topics include how Davos and Bran are among the few nice guys on the show (Cunningham isn’t sure Arya belongs in that category) and what the characters will do when they find out about the recent events in King’s Landing and Daenerys’ trek across the Narrow Sea.

More interview goodness on the other side.

Next: Sansa, Ramsay, Hodor, and Missandei