Steven Moffat Will Break the Mold of Doctor Who in Series Ten


With all of the changes that Steven Moffat has brought to Doctor Who, we will be seeing much more in Series Ten.

Keeping Doctor Who current and fresh is something that has been very important to Steven Moffat. This has seemed to be especially so since Peter Capaldi came on board as the Twelfth Doctor. First of all, Moffat has made a point of giving a subversive edge to this Doctor’s time on the program. In addition to that, each season has deliberately been given a different feel. Well, the showrunner fully intends to continue this trend. According to AOL Entertainment UK, Moffat — in a recent interview with Doctor Who Magazine — expressed his drive to break even more traditional expectations in Series Ten.

"“When I agreed to do one more run, I thought ‘Sod it, I’m not doing the march to the scaffold'”"

His desire is for this season of Doctor Who “to feel like a brand new show,” the first episode of which he wants “to feel like episode one of a new series.” By the end of his run, his intention is “to leave like it’s all just beginning.”

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An initial glimpse of these major changes is seen in the personality of the Doctor’s new companion, Bill. She is sarcastically irreverent in a somewhat similar manner to one that we have not seen since Ace McShane or Donna Noble, yet still manages to be a companion unlike any other who have come before. She asks questions and expresses insights that have never before been heard from any character on the show — ones that are derived right from the thoughts of the viewing audience. Also, her particular sort of youthful, casual, funky style is something that has never before been seen from one of the Doctor’s companions. It still, however, both reflects certain aspects of the Doctor’s own fashion sense, as well as that of past companions such as Ace and Rose Tyler. A good balance has been struck between old and new with Bill.

Of course, Bill is but a single character. Aside from her, it remains to be seen what the other proposed changes will be. Whatever the case, Moffat is sure to leave a strong legacy that will shake the very foundations of the Whoniverse.

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It is very important for shows that have a long history to not become irrelevant, stagnant, and too repetitive. Steven Moffat has been very good about not letting that happen with Doctor Who while still honoring its past. What do you think? Let us know in the comments.