Jennifer Lopez is Cersei Lannister in Telemundo’s reworking of Game of Thrones

A while ago, we reported that Sony Entertainment TV was making an Indian remake of Game of Thrones called Rani Mahal, complete with Indian actors cast in the roles of Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, and Cersei Lannister. That project is stalled (it’s quite probably dead in the water), but international interest in remaking Game of Thrones remains high.

Case in point: Spanish-language TV station Telemundo has put together a video imagining what the show would be like if it had Hispanic and Latino stars playing the main characters. Also, Justin Bieber is there. Have a watch:

I will freely admit that I don’t know who several of these people are, but a few are pretty on point. Jennifer Lopez would make an excellent Cersei Lannister—they share boundless ambition and excellent cheekbones.

But mostly this is just for fun, and many of the choices are tongue-in-cheek, e.g. Pitbull playing the Hound. Geddit? Still, I love the Latin remix of the theme song, and the translated names are fun.

To keep the international flavor going, check out this gorgeous, multi-tracked cover of the Game of Thrones theme from South African flautist Wouter Kellerman. Kellerman won a Grammy award for his 2014 album Winds of Samsara, and obviously it wasn’t a fluke, cause this is great.

Among the many kinds of flutes Kellerman uses here are the fife, alto flute, bass flute, and contrabass flute, which is the huge one capable of hitting the lower notes.

Interestingly, Game of Thrones composer Ramin Djawadi was told not to use flutes when composing music for the show, as the producers didn’t want anything that sounded too similar to what was featured in The Lord of the Rings movies. Kellerman has enough flutes to make up for it.

h/t Classic fmE!