Doctor Who: Christopher Eccleston Should Work with Big Finish


We all know of Christopher Eccleston’s aversion to returning to Doctor Who, and his steadfast refusal to be a part of the show any further. But could there be a way he would reprise the role of the Ninth Doctor in the future?

For those of us who want additional adventures of our favorite Doctors after they have have departed from Doctor Who, Big Finish provides a valuable service. With their continued adventures of previous Doctors, both from Classic Who and the revival, their adventures have continued on even after their regenerations. This has helped to provide a new appreciation for some of those Doctors that came before.

And yet, as impressive as Big Finish’s catalog of audio adventures may be for Doctor Who, there is one Doctor who is prominently missing. The Ninth Doctor has had one adventure where he is the focal point, with his character being voiced by Nicholas Briggs, a veteran of the show himself. It is not, however, the same as having Christopher Eccleston in that role.

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If Eccleston and Big Finish were to decide to work together, it may be a way for fans of the Ninth Doctor to get what they want, while allowing the actor to continue his boycott of the television show. We could even potentially get an adventure that fills in the gaps from the moment that the War Doctor regenerated to the point where he met Rose Tyler. Meanwhile, Eccleston would be able to stay away from the televised Doctor Who, allowing him to remain true to his principles.

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Granted, the odds of this occurring are quite slim. Eccleston, not only has refused to return to the part for any reason, but, for the most part, he is reluctant to even publicly discuss his time on the show. Despite this, there is a lot of love for him in the show’s fan base, and the kind things that he does for them shows that he loves them, as well. Perhaps enough of us can get together and convince him to do a few adventures for Big Finish.

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Maybe Christopher Eccleston will never return to television as the Doctor, but having him virtually pick up the leather jacket and board the TARDIS once again through Big Finish would be a great compromise. Hopefully, we will see this come to pass.