Translation of The Winds of Winter chapter comes with official artwork


George R.R. Martin’s The Winds of Winter won’t be out until…well, there’s no responsible way to finish that sentence. It’ll be along eventually. But there are several chapters from the book already available to read, including one written from the perspective of Arianne Martell, a character who’s been cut out of the show completely. You can read it in full on Martin’s official webpage.


The chapter describes Arianne’s adventures in the Stormlands, where she’s visiting at the behest of her father Doran (who’s very much alive in the books) to find out whether it’s worth Dorne’s while to forge an alliance with the newly arrived Aegon Targaryen. (Incidentally, absolutely none of this has appeared on the show, nor does it look like it will.) During her travels, she stumbles upon a cave. The walls are carved with faces, meaning that the place once “belonged to the children of the forest.”

This brings us to a new item brought to our attention by Los Siete Reinos: Spanish-language publisher Ediciones Gigamesh, which specializes in sci-fi and fantasy stories, has published the official Spanish translation on the Arianne chapter on ebooks platform Lektu, where it’s currently at the top of the charts. The publication also included a piece of official artwork from illustrator Enrique Jiménez Corominas, who does a lot of work for Gilgamesh. Here’s his depiction of Arianne’s discovery in the cave:

Arianne, by Enrique Jiménez Corominas


By the by, Martin published the Arianne chapter on his site back in May. We’ll keep our eyes peeled for a new chapter ahead of the novel’s official release.