Top 20 Outfits of Game of Thrones Season 6

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3. Margaery’s Sparrow Queen Gown

The dress Margaery’s died in spoke volumes about how far she’s been forced to go in the name of keeping House Tyrell safe. Although she tried to show her Tyrell loyalty by reverting to wearing its House colors, she knows that she must visually look to be one with the High Sparrow, especially in a public show trial that included her brother and the Queen Mother.

This dress certainty looks the part. If someone were to make a “Royal Queen” version of the grey rags the High Sparrow and his followers wear, it would be exactly this. The gown itself is a brocaded silk so thin it might have been see-through if it wasn’t so dark. The gray chiffon drape is the exact same color as the High Sparrow’s rags. She is every inch playing the Sparrow Queen here. It was fortunate for her that the High Sparrow was too blind to see through the act, but then again, if he had been smart enough to see through her, he might have been able to see though Cersei and not gotten them all killed.

Next: 2. Cersei's Armor Gown