Top 20 Outfits of Game of Thrones Season 6

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1. Dany’s Targaryen Blacks


Okay, maybe that’s a tad premature, as her ships are still sailing on the Narrow Sea. She’s not actually set foot on Westeros yet. But mentally, and sartorially, our last look at Dany as she stood on the deck of the lead ship heading up her unlikely conglomerate of allies was of a woman who has embraced her true self.

The colors of House Targaryen are red and black. Over six seasons, the heads of various Houses have always worn something that includes their House colors. Not Dany. And why? Because although she may have born a Targaryen, she was no dragon yet. In Season 1, she wore pale colors and horse leathers. When she did finally start wearing colors in Season 2, they were blue (for Drogo’s Dothraki war paint) and brown, for her horse people. When conquering Slaver’s Bay, her colors changed to blue and white. As she ruled Meereen, she wore all white—as far as she could get from who she truly was.

It wasn’t until she took charge of the Dothraki in Season 6 that the black color seeped into her wardrobe. And yet, upon her return to Meereen and meeting with the Greyjoys, she was back to blue. Sure, it was a dark midnight blue, but blue nonetheless. The production waited until the finale to finally break out the black. And then, as the ship sailed towards Westeros, it finally gave her the gown we’ve been waiting for. Cut the same as her Meereenese ruler gown, but now in black instead of white, her shoulders bedecked with dragons, the way Cersei’s have always been bedecked with lions, Dany is finally wearing the clothing that announces her to be who she is.

She is Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons. All shall love her and despair.