Doctor Who: The K-9 and Twelfth Doctor Scene That Almost Was


One of the more recognizable companions from the classic episodes of Doctor Who, K-9, has not appeared on the show in quite some time. What was not widely known, however, is that he almost came back a lot more recently than we would have imagined.

Fans of Doctor Who have a special place in their hearts for K-9. The robotic dog, who served as a companion for the Fourth Doctor, was always a fan favorite. The entertaining pup, who would take orders literally to a fault, was a brilliant and quirky addition to the show.

Since K-9 appeared in ‘School Reunion’ and ‘Journey’s End,’ it has been quite some time since the beloved companion had been on the program. It makes sense; after all, K-9 was with Sarah Jane after travelling with the Doctor. At this point, the robotic dog likely has another Master or Mistress, depending on who has ownership.

A return for K-9, as unlikely as it may have seemed, was actually close to happening. In Doctor Who Magazine edition 504, Steven Moffat answered a reader’s question by stating that, yes, he would like to bring K-9 back at some point — and that point was almost during ‘Last Christmas.’

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According to Moffat, there was a scene that he wrote, but later deleted because there was not enough time to film it. In that deleted scene, Santa Claus was going to demonstrate the dangers that the Dream Crabs posed by analyzing them, using Rudolph’s nose to do so. Naturally, the Twelfth Doctor was not impressed, calling the scene before him stupid.

That was when K-9 would make its appearance. He would offer his services to analyze the Dream Crabs for the Doctor, only to be told “Just go away. Go away. Leave me alone.” It would be a clever way to underscore how ridiculous some of the analytics on Doctor Who can be.

Now, in reading that description, it may be best that Moffat removed the scene. Given the attachment that Whovians have for K-9, the idea that it was being turned into the punchline of a joke would likely result in greater backlash towards the departing showrunner. Regardless, Moffat states his love of K-9, and how entertaining he finds the character.

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Seeing the Twelfth Doctor and K-9 together would be quite the entertaining pairing. Unfortunately, the best chance for that to happen may have already passed without our knowledge.