5. Cersei survives
We don’t believe this one is likely, but if Cersei somehow escapes Dany’s assault on King’s Landing, or—gulp—defeats the Mother of Dragons, what might that look like?
We’ve speculated before about a Cersei-and-Euron supervillain team up, and if the spoilers can be trusted, it’s going to happen in one form or another. If Cersei survives Season 7, Euron will likely play a key role. He might smuggle Cersei out of King’s Landing before Daenerys attacks the city, or weaken Dany by decimating her armada at sea.
However, we don’t think the smuggling option is very likely. Cersei has coveted the Iron Throne her whole life, and now that she finally has it, we don’t see her leaving it willingly. If Daenerys mounts a successful attack on King’s Landing, we see Cersei going down with the ship, so to speak, perhaps dying in another wildfire explosion. Like the Mad King, Cersei may well try to leave her would-be conqueror naught but “charred bones and cooked meat.”
That leaves defeating Daenerys on land or sea. It’s not impossible, but if the show wants to get Dany up north to fight the White Walkers by the end of the show, she’ll need to get past Cersei. Even if she has a rough time of it, we expect her to succeed in the end.