George R.R. Martin’s Minions on the New Valyrian Steel Blades Reproductions


There’s a new post on George R.R. Martin’s Not a Blog, the author’s LiveJournal outlet to the world. No, it’s not about Martin finishing The Winds of Winter—Martin would write that post himself. Instead, the post is by one of his Minions, who occasionally pitch in when he doesn’t have the time. (So he can focus on writing? We hope.)

Usually, the “Minion” posts concern things like shows at the Jean Cocteau Theater, a Sante Fe cinema Martin owns, or his Wild Cards series. But this one is about Game of Thrones. Specifically, it’s about new A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones collectibles: reproductions of notable blades from the story, made by the fine folks at Valyrian Steel.

"This time Valyrian Steel is bringing to life, for your pleasure, a set of two blades belonging to the dashing Daario and the recently acquired and renamed Oathkeeper, last seen in the possession of Brienne of Tarth. Both of these blades are based on the Book series versions, but keep an eye out as our friends at Jalic regularly put out great work based on the television series as well."

Daario’s Blades. Image: Valyrian Steel Oathkeeper. Image: Valyrian Steel

Note how Oathkeeper’s blade has a red tint to it. In the books, that’s the result of Tywin trying to render it Lannister crimson, but it ends up more dull red.

Both Oathkeeper and Daario’s lady blades “scheduled to ship in late Winter or early Spring 2017.” (Hasn’t the warrior of your heart always wanted an Oathkeeper to strap to your back?) You can purchase Oathkeeper here ($500), while Daario’s more pornographic blades can be found here ($350).

There’s no word on whether Valyrian Steel will be making Heartsbane. I suppose we need to find out first is Sam will be slayed by his father for stealing it.