Although still a supporting character, Eddison “Dolorous Edd” Tollett has been moving into the foreground of late. In Season 6, he enlisted the wildlings’ help in taking back Castle Black from Alliser Thorne and his fellow mutineers. He was one of the first people to greet Jon Snow when the latter returned from the dead, and became the de facto Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch when Jon left for Winterfell. That’s not a bad resume for a minor player.
Ben Crompton, who’s played Edd since Season 2, recently spoke at the Sunderland Echo Portfolio Business Awards about returning to work on the show. “We are back on season 7 and we have a lot of fun,” he said. Naturally, Crompton is filming material on the Castle Black set, which he likes because “[i]t is a genuine set that you can interact with.”
So right away, there’re a few obvious things to unpack. Specifically, we now know that Dolorous Edd will be in Game of Thrones Season 7 and that we’ll visit Castle Black. We expected both of those things, but it’s good to have confirmation.
As a veteran Game of Thrones player, Crompton wasn’t careless enough to reveal anything specific about what’s coming in Season 7. Still, he understands the urge to ask. “I am like a lot of the fans, I am always keen to find out what will happen next,” he said. “It is exciting when the scripts come through.” And he did offer an excellent tease:
"There are some surprises, We are gearing towards the end. Everyone is assuming certain things will happen but I won’t say if that is the case."
Lest someone ask him a follow-up question he couldn’t answer, Crompton deflected by describing Kit Harington as “a handsome young star” who’s very funny despite Jon Snow’s penchant for gloom. He’s good, is Ben Crompton.
In other cast member news, Emilia Clarke (Daenerys) took a picture with a fan yesterday…
…and there are reports of buddies Sophie Turner (Sansa) and Maisie Williams (Arya) tearing up the town again.
Maisie Williams (Arya) and 'blonde' Sophie Turner (Sansa) out and about together again in Belfast.
— Irish Thrones (@IrishThrones) October 11, 2016
And now, a mild SPOILER: preparations continue to film scenes at Itzurun Beach in the Spanish town of Zumaia. Word is that the team is hiring men to crew specialized longboats, with the end goal of shooting material at sea. It would appear that this is one of those boats.
DÍA 12: Esta embarcación que ha llegado hoy, tomará parte en el rodaje de #JuegoDeTronos en #Zumaia. ¿Quienes irán dentro?
— Jon Urbieta χ (@jonurbieta) October 14, 2016
Finally, Liam Cunningham (Davos Seaworth) posted this theory video about Azor Ahai on his Instagram. It has nothing to do with his whereabouts, but it’s fun that he engages with this stuff.
h/t Sunderland Echo