Doctor Who: Companion Advice from Jenna Coleman to Pearl Mackie


Jenna Coleman may be gone from Doctor Who, but that does not mean she won’t be reaching out to the new companion. In fact, she even gave Pearl Mackie some practical advice for her first season on the show.

Imagine stepping into a position as iconic as the companion on Doctor Who. It is a role with a limited lifespan, one that a person takes knowing that they will not be around forever. And yet, even though the time one has in such a role may last for as little as one season (or one episode), it is an honor the likes of which few could imagine.

It is also a role where few people can truly understand the pressure and the toll that can be taken upon a person. There is a small fraternity of former companions, each of whom have their own experiences from the show. Fortunately, those experiences and advice have been passed down.

That was the case as Jenna Coleman passed along some advice to Pearl Mackie when the latter took on the role of Bill. Just as Karen Gillan gave Coleman some advice, those words of wisdom, stretching back from at least Series Five, will also be there for Mackie as she takes her place alongside the Doctor.

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While it is easy to imagine that the advice would involve how to deal with her newfound fame, or how to avoid stress during her time aboard the TARDIS, the sage wisdom was far more practical. Along with some flowers — other than telling Mackie to enjoy her adventure on Doctor Who — Coleman shared the knowledge of “the best places to eat in Cardiff.”

Yes, that is the valued advice that Gillan and Coleman have passed down from companion to companion. While knowing how to decompress and how to find time for oneself may be valuable, nothing can compare to finding the right place for a quick bite to eat for the companion on the go.

It certainly makes sense that Gillan and Coleman would watch out for Mackie’s taste buds. After all, the Doctor is not known for his refined culinary knowledge. Fish fingers and custard? Jelly babies? Thinking that celery is a fashion accessory? Finding those restaurants nearby could be vitally important.

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It may not be the advice that one would have expected, but Pearl Mackie will likely appreciate it nonetheless. We wonder if any of the locations is a diner.