Westworld Episode 5 “Contrapasso” Instant Reaction

Our instant reaction to Westworld episode 5 “Contrapasso.”

Evan Rachel Wood said that Westworld episode 5 “Contrapasso” would turn things up to eleven, and it sure did. We got a lot of clues in this episode of Westworld, some that supported our theories, and some that didn’t, so let’s get to it.

First off we have to address Ford. We saw more of Ford in this episode than we have in any previous episodes of Westworld. Ford has been an aloof mystery so far, his motivations are a bit unclear other than he’s Walt Disney gone wrong. Tonight though we really got to dig into more of Ford’s personality. Ford’s childhood and his father are certainly part of his motivation.

The story Ford told Bill the old retired host about  the elderly greyhound that finally caught something was poignant and most certainly had another meaning. In his story his pet greyhound caught and killed a cat, and then didn’t know what to do with the cat after it was dead. The greyhound had never caught what he was chasing before.

We’re thinking the story was probably a tale about the man in black. The man in black has spent thirty years looking for something in the park, could it be that when he finds it he won’t know what to do with it?

Ford also sat down with Dolores and had a tense conversation with her.

Speaking of the man in black we learned a bit more about him as well. He had a drink with Ford and called Ford by his first name, Robert. There’s some significance to the name Robert Ford in Western lore, but we will get to that in another post. The man in black and Ford didn’t seem like they knew each other very well, but they at least knew of each other. They knew each other, and there seemed to be something personal between the man in black and Arnold. Do you think Arnold could have been a relative of the man in black?

We also saw the man in black finally kill Lawrence in order to give Teddy a host blood transfusion. We knew that all the hosts need a certain amount of blood in them or a kill switch gets flipped. However it looks like all the hosts use the same blood so if one runs low you can just fill up from another.

After Lawrence’s death we are immediately taken to William, Logan, and Dolores looking at Pariah, the Westworld version of Mos Eisley. In this outlaw town anything goes, but it does have a ruler or head bandit, and that man turns out to be Lawrence. So yes it could be Lawrence reborn and place back in Pariah, or it could be that we are looking at two different timelines and the William and man in black theory is correct.

Lawrence wants Dolores, William, and Logan to steal some nitro glycerine from the federals and give it to a group called the confederales, which are confederate soldiers who refused to stop fighting after the civil war. Lawrence claims that he’s unconcerned that the confederates are going to use this nitro on his own people fighting their own revolution south of the border.

In the process of highjacking the wagon with the nitro Logan goes all Logan and causes a huge mess. The mess ends with William shooting several hosts, something he has done, but not to unarmed hosts.

After pulling off the heist William and Logan finally get into it when William doesn’t want to go to the front and join the fighting. Logan tells William that he’s weak and not a threat, and that’s why Logan brought him along on this trip.

Dolores finds out that Lawrence was pulling a switch and swapping the nitro for tequila. So Lawrence does care that the confederates were going to kill his own people. This puts Logan and William in a bit of a perdicament with the confederates. Logan is quickly captured after the ruse is discovered and calls out to William for help, but William refuses. Logan and Dolores end up on a train, headed to the front, with Lawrence.

Back at the Westworld headquarters we find Elise Hughes, who was assaulted by the woodcutter, down in the body shop trying to examine the host that wanted to kill her, and instead killed himself. It turns out the host had a satellite uplink hidden in his arm, he was sending information out of Westworld. Someone in Westworld is a spy. Naturally you want to point the finger at Theresa, since she’s the one who didn’t want the host examined, but that feels too easy for Westworld.

Finally we have Maeve who spends most of this episode on a slab down in the body shop. In the body shop one of the techs has stolen a bird and is working on it with a pad from coding. The body shop guy wants to bring the bird back to life. When he finally accomplishes his goal though the excitement is short lived as the bird lands on Maeve’s finger. Maeve is awake when she’s not supposed to be again, and this time she wants to talk.

NEXT: Breaking Down The Westworld Terms And Conditions

It was a fantastic episode with just so much going on. What did you think of Westworld episode 5 “Contrapasso”? Let us know on Facebook or in the comments below.