(Image credit: Rabe! License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.)
While all eyes are trained on the majority of the cast in Seville, the Game of Thrones production quietly loaded in at the Castillo de Almodóvar. According to Diario Cordoba, the production arrived in the city at the end of Friday, and has spent the weekend invading the historical castle with set pieces and equipment to turn it into… well, somewhere in Westeros, at any rate.
The security around the castle is tight, so those tourists hoping to get in ahead of the crowds haven’t been able to see much. Nor have the newspapers. Nor do we know which actors are going to show up at this location. (With its bucolic look, the place looks like a good stand-in for Highgarden, but we can’t be sure.) With the area closed off from now through the 16th, the cast could turn up at any time.
Locals are now in “watch and wait” mode. Also, Note that the fact that the castle is closed until the 16th does not mean filming will take that long.
The last time Game of Thrones moved into a historical castle of this nature, it was to film Sam’s arrival at his ancestral home, Horn Hill, for Season 6. The Castell de Santa Florentina was also closed off for a couple of weeks, but the actual filming of scenes (Sam’s arrival, the dinner scene, and then him and Gilly stealing into the night), only took two days.
#FelizMiercoles En breve comienza rodaje Juego de Tronos en @CastilloAlmodov obedece las indicaciones del personal de seguridad #colabora pic.twitter.com/5g9UtErSYH
— GC Almodovar del Rio (@GcAlmodovar) November 2, 2016
Hopefully the cast members who film here will be staying in the town at the foot of the castle, so that we can at least guess at where in Westeros it is.