The 50 Best Game of Thrones Characters, Ranked

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18. Yara Greyjoy

Yara Greyjoy rips the patriarchal Ironborn culture to shreds. She’s the captain of her very own longship, and commands an armada of some of the fastest ships on the Iron Islands. The future Salt Queen (hopefully) handles herself as well or better than any Ironborn man in recent memory, which is why it was disappointing to see her lose votes at the Kingsmoot to her Uncle Euron. But her newfound alliance with Queen Daenerys only means good things for Yara heading into Season 7.

It’s not easy being a woman in Westeros, but Yara never lets that get her down. Her men don’t care that she’s a woman—they care that she’s a strong, courageous and forthright leader. She doesn’t hesitate to take up a cause she thinks is right, like trying to rescue Theon from the Dreadfort in Season 4. It’s a pleasure to watch Gemma Whelhan take charge of the role as more of her story is revealed.

Yara’s relationship with her last living brother is strained, but it’s been satisfying to seeing them slowly put the pieces back together. However, I’ll always be a little grossed out remembering when Yara let her own brother grope her, even if it was a ploy.

Next: 17. The Actual Bastard of Winterfell