Doctor Who D12 Die Perfect for Tabletop Gamer and Crafter Whovians

Looking for a way to bring Doctor Who to your Dungeons and Dragons, or other tabletop games? This D12, with the faces of the Doctors for sides, may be just what you are looking for.

Doctor Who D12 (credit:

Out of all the dice in a gamer’s dice bag, the D12 may be the most infrequently used. Short of a greataxe, which few characters use, the D12 does not get much usage. Sure, there may be a spell or two that require it, or one could play a half-orc, but the twelve sider is a lonely die, relegated to looking pretty amongst one’s arsenal of dice.

However, that may change with the Doctor Who die. Each side has the face of one of the Doctors, allowing the roller to know which number came up by the Time Lord in question. With a more abstract, Andy Warhol style look, it is certain to attract attention at the gaming table.

At five inches in size, it is a bit too large to fit in a dice bag. (If only bags of holding were real.) It is still a convenient size for carrying, though, and with the cross stitch pattern, it would be somewhat durable. As the die comes as an unfinished pattern, it is also a great way to pass the time while at work, waiting for an appointment, or even during downtime at the gaming table.

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If there is one thing that a tabletop gamer will not pass up on, it is a new die that captures the attention. Certain colors, unique designs — or even just the desire to have extra dice in the event that the main battle line go cold — are all reasons as to why new dice may be needed. When it comes to the basics necessities of gaming, this particular die satisfies more of a want than a need, but who cares, am I right?

Should one be proficient at such crafts, as well as a Whovian who games (or knows one), this would be the perfect project. Any item that can combine the enjoyment of multiple hobbies at the same time is a worthwhile investment.

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A Doctor Who D12 — a fine addition to any dice collection. It’s just a shame that there wasn’t room for the War Doctor. Math! *shakes fist*