John Bradley (Sam) films in Cáceres, and yesterday’s parade shoot continues

Today is the second of two days the Game of Thrones production will film in the Spanish city of Cáceres. Yesterday, it shot a spoiler-filled parade sequence through the streets of the city’s Old Town district, which is standing in for King’s Landing. That continued today, but another visitor showed up: John Bradley (Samwell Tarly).

Bradley is expected to film at the Plaza de las Veletas, where the production has set up a marketplace.

We’d expected this would be a marketplace in King’s Landing, but if Bradley is there, it’ll likely stand in for Oldtown. Something like this happened during filming for Season 6, when the city of Girona stood in for both King’s Landing and Oldtown.

Meanwhile, the production continued to shoot the momentous parade sequence elsewhere in the city, mainly around the Arco de la Estrella. SPOILERS below.

In summary, the parade sequence involves Euron Greyjoy marching Yara Greyjoy and the Sand Snakes (well, Tyene and Ellaria) through the streets of King’s Landing while the citizens of King’s Landing look on. The march continued today.

Twitter: @javiborrega

And here’s a video from Hoy from filming yesterday, showing the assembled masses of extras.


What will these extras be doing? Booing and jeering, by the looks of it.

From the riot in Season 2 to Cersei’s walk in Season 5, the smallfolk in King’s Landing sure do get riled up.

Anyway, it looks like this scene is going to be extremely intense. I’m already preparing for it mentally. But as Indira Varma (Ellaria Sand) showed on her Twitter, the crew is at least bringing some Christmas spirit to the set.