10 Game of Thrones prequel series ideas

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6. The War of the Children and the First Men

The oldest of any potential prequel series, the War of the Children and the First Men (from which the Starks claim heritage) is set somewhere around ten thousand years before Aegon began his conquest of the Seven Kingdoms. Westeros was unpopulated at the time, aside from the Children of the Forest, and the First Men began their migration from Essos via a land bridge in Dorne. As is often the case when two different cultures meet for the first time, war followed soon after.

The First Men began chopping down the trees, of which the weirwood trees. in particular were sacred to the Children, and now we had a proper war on our hands. The Children had magic on their side, but anyone who’s played World of Warcraft knows; a gang of marauding knights is always going to beat a couple magicians. The First Men had superior numbers and weapons made of bronze, a deadly advantage over the Children.

Before the war would end in a truce, the land bridge in Dorne would be shattered, the area around Moat Cailin would be turned into a swamp when the Children tried the same trick twice, and most of the weirwood trees in Westeros would be destroyed. And if Season 6 is to be believed, the Children would ultimately create the White Walkers. Talk about a series full of important events for the Seven Kingdoms.

The series would perhaps be one of the shorter of the prequels, three to four seasons, but as the oldest of the prequels, it could be the most important. This is the series that puts everything into motion, and we are still feeling the effects of this war ten thousand years later.

Next: 5. The reign of Maegor the Cruel