10 Game of Thrones prequel series ideas

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Image via Random House

3. The Tales of Dunk and Egg

The Tales of Dunk and Egg, or Ser Duncan the Tall, a homeless and poor hedge knight, and Prince Aegon Targaryen are a series of novellas George R.R. Martin wrote as a prequel to our current Game of Thrones. They concern the wanderings and adventures of the unlikely pair, and while not quite on the level of importance Game of Thrones, they are no less entertaining.

After a trial by combat involving members of House Targaryen, Aegon, a young prince in need of seasoning, is given in service to Ser Duncan. Ser Duncan is mentioned twice on Game of Thrones, once by Old Nan, and the other by Joffrey. Aegon conceals his identity, and the pair were involved in adventures from Dorne to Winterfell, although some of those adventures are still to be written. Ser Duncan is even rumored to be the ancestor of Brienne of Tarth, everyone’s favorite warrior maid.

In between jousting tournaments galore, the pair finds themselves participating in one Blackfyre Rebellion, meeting Bloodraven (who later goes on to become the Three-Eyed Raven), and much more all before Aegon is later chosen to ascend to the Iron Throne. The series could easily focus on one novella each season, before jumping to the next season with an entirely different setting on tap. One season they are in the Reach, the next down in Dorne, or even as far north as Winterfell.

The Tales of Dunk and Egg would likely have a bit of a lighter tone than we are used to, and a much smaller recurring cast, but it could be a welcome change of pace from the brooding seriousness of Game of Thrones. And although Martin has currently only published three of the novellas, two more are close, and outlines are written for more according to the author. So there is plenty of material to cover.

With the Tales taking place roughly 90 years before our current series, there would also be some connective tissue for viewers to latch unto(a toddler Walder Frey makes an appearance for instance). The Tales of Dunk and Egg would be a glimpse into the smaller parts of Westeros, much as Rogue One was a glimpse into the smaller corners of the Star Wars universe. And we all know how that turned out.

Next: 2. The Dance of the Dragons