Missy Is Coming Back To Doctor Who and We Are ALL Over It

After a rip roaring adventure in Doctor Who Season 9, we are promised the return of Missy to our screens this coming spring for Season 10.

There are many known unknowns for the upcoming season of Doctor Who. Will this be the 12th Doctor’s final year? Will Bill be a good companion? Will she make chips on the TARDIS? Does Nardole like chips? So many mysteries!

But one fact we are certain of is that, despite leaving her to talk her way out of a fleet of daleks last season, Missy will in fact be back for Doctor Who Season 10.

Missy is one of the most controversial decisions that moffat has made during his tenure, which is saying something, because the man has made a whole lot of controversial decisions, starting with that whole River Song is actually Amy’s kid and also the Doctor’s wife, and rolling through that whole “Clara isn’t actually a character she’s actually a two-dimensional plot device that blew in on a leaf”, not to mention that whole “War Doctor” thing.

Image via BBC

And yet somehow, because sexist Doctor Who fans can’t deal with the equality of the sexes, somehow it’s the regeneration of the Master as a woman that outranks all those other things.

Personally, we here at DWW think Missy is the bee-damn-knees. She and Peter Capaldi have a delicious chemistry on screen, and her Insane Marry Poppins act is one for the ages. There are half a million Moffat-things I would argue about all day, but Missy is perhaps the place where he redeemed himself the most.

And that she’s coming back for Season 10? More of that please. And a side of chips, if you don’t mind Bill? Thanks, love.

Next: Matt Smith and the Roles he has Taken on Outside of Doctor Who

This isn’t the only Doctor Who show Missy would like to be turning up on either. The actress said she is up an appearance at Cole Hill Academy, if the school will have her.