Seven Game of Thrones characters who would make good presidents

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6. Yara Greyjoy

In the rigidly patriarchal society of Westeros, Yara Greyjoy has managed to earn the respect of the Ironborn, and of her father, Balon Greyjoy. Yara has done this with charismatic leadership and clear-headed vision. Whether Yara was sacking castles in the North or attempting to rescue Theon from the clutches of Ramsay Bolton, she believed in her cause, and her men followed her without question. That is presidential.

Yara’s ability to think laterally about problems and consider paths not taken could give her an edge in a presidential race. In the novels, Yara is the rare Ironborn who recognizes that her people’s war with the mainland is futile. On the show, she assents to put a stop to the raping and pillaging endemic to her people if it means an advantageous alliance with Daenerys.

Leadership is having the courage to try a new direction. Yara might not have the experience running large bureaucracies, but she was Balon’s right hand in the Ironborn’s mainland campaign, so she’s hardly green. Yara would make a fine president, a forward-thinking leader who would challenge the establishment. Just keep her away from brothels.