The Doctor Who Influence On All of the Shows Fans


Doctor Who is an incredible show that gives its fans a lot to look up to but the influence of the show on those who thoroughly enjoy it.

When all of us watch Doctor Who, there is something that that show gives us. So for many, watching it isn’t about trying to just watch a television show. But rather it is about the experience of being a part of something like it.

It gives its fans a community. With a lot of television shows, it can be very isolating. You sit in your room and watch episode after episode with no one to really talk to about it. But with Who, everyone seems to be involved.

There are so many fans who watch this show and go to conventions and just are able to have a community of people around them who understand their love of this show. That is truly something so remarkable about this show. It brings everyone together and makes us all break out of our shells.

For lack of a better term, most geeks tend to stick to the message boards or their online community. While Doctor Who has that, it also provides a way for people to connect outside of their rooms. With events worldwide, the show gives us the option to see other Who fans in our area so we can all talk about this amazing show.

And that isn’t a diss on the online community either. That is something entirely different and special in its own way. This show is just amazing for connecting people and it is a wonderful thing to be a part of.

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So go out and see your friends, talk about your favorite show. Because that’s something amazing that Doctor Who gives us.