Title Confirmed for the First Episode of Season 10 of Doctor Who

We finally have a confirmation on the title of the first episode of season 10 of Doctor Who and it looks like our fan theories were right.

A week ago, we reported on some rumors about episode titles for season 10. In a glimpse on the teaser, there are five titles that appear and many fans took that to be the first five episodes of the tenth season of Doctor Who.

Now it seems as if we weren’t all that far off. When we made the assumption that, despite claims, the first episode would be titled “The Pilot”, we ended up being correct.

Image courtesy of the BBC

Moffat had said from the beginning that he wanted his last season to be a renewal of sorts. So the fact that the first episode is titled “The Pilot” is very fitting for this new vision he has. He clearly wants the show to have a life long past the fifty some odd years it has already run its course.

So a reboot might be good to get fans who have lost interest back into the show. And with Moffat leaving, maybe it is to help Chris Chibnall in his run as show runner. Whatever the plan is, at least we know that our theories weren’t too far off. Now we just need confirmation on the other four titles to see just how right we were.

Related Story: First Five Doctor Who Episode Titles Are Revealed

Doctor Who returns to television this April. Check back here on Doctor Who Watch for more up to date information. And, who knows, we might have something later on about a trailer dropping. No really, check back here later on. You’re not going to want to miss the trailer for season 10 when it finally drops.