Trying to Find a Companion is Hard But They Found the Amazing Bill


The Doctor’s companion is extremely important to the overall success of the show and finding a new one can be difficult, lucky for us we now have Bill.

If your companion is bad, the show doesn’t really work. The Doctor without one is just a Time Lord without a conscience. But when you have the perfect duo, the Doctor and his companion, that’s when Doctor Who is amazing.

From Rose Tyler to Martha Jones, Donna Noble to Amy Pond, Clara Oswald to now Bill Potts, each have their strong suits. They give humanity to the Doctor that he lacks otherwise. And now the spotlight is on the companion in this short documentary!

Moffat and crew talk about the importance of each companion of the Doctor and how important they are to the overall storyline. And after how much Clara changed the twelfth Doctor, Bill Potts (played by Pearl Mackie) has quite the job ahead of her.

You can get tickets at Fathom Events for the theatrical release of the premiere episode of season 10 of Doctor Who. We know now that the episode will be titled “The Pilot”. Moffat wants this new season to feel as if it is a new show and we’re excited!

It’s going to be interesting with it being Capaldi and Moffat’s last. So whatever happens, we’re just happy that our favorite show will be returning! After all, we do love Doctor Who here.

Related Story: The Doctor Who Season 10 Trailer is Here and We’re Excited

Doctor Who returns this April after such a break. We haven’t seen a new series of the show on our television sets for quite some time and it’s exciting to have our favorite show back! Check back here on Doctor Who Watch for more up to date information on the tenth season!