Funny stuff: Video translates Cersei and Margaery’s passive-agressive sniping

Few Game of Thrones characters got under Cersei Lannister’s skin like Margaery Tyrell, particularly after Margaery married Tommen. At that point, the young and beautiful Margaery was the new queen of Westeros, but not before her first husband — Cersei’s first-born son Joffrey — died under mysterious circumstances.

Cersei never trusted Margaery, nor Margaery Cersei. YouTuber Lindybeige has taken a closer at their rivalry by dubbing over the scene from “High Sparrow” where they snipe at each other following Margaery’s wedding to Tommen. What was behind that harmless exchange of pleasantries?

First of all, there’s no way anyone could watch this scene without noticing the snark-filled comments made by Margaery — the wine comment was a clear dig at Cersei’s well-known penchant for getting plastered. Watching Cersei in the opening moments of this particular scene makes me wonder if she actually had good intentions toward her new daughter-in-law at first, before Margaery started to volley the passive-aggressive insults like a battleship in World War II.

But it’s Cersei who walks away with the look of pure hatred on her face, letting the audience know that Margaery’s slight would be answered. And, as we know, it was. The lesson here is: Don’t be a little shit to Cersei, or she’ll explode your entire family.

On top of that, the video is a fun little lesson on the use of irony on the show. Do you agree with Lindybeige’s conclusions that this is the kind of scene that can only work on film or TV (or, at least, the kind that wouldn’t work in a graphic novel), with the benefit of actors to convey subtleties in meaning?