Fandom Woes: Being an American and a Fan of Doctor Who

When it comes to fandom woes, Doctor Who fans have a hard time trying to find merchandise outside of the United Kingdom. And believe us, we want it.

The fandom of Doctor Who is a vast wonderland that spans through the entire world. But what sucks is that the world is not confined to the United Kingdom, where most of the merchandise for the show lives.

For instance, when I got to go to London for a graduation gift, my brother and I lost our minds when we saw actual Doctor Who shirts and toys in stores. Because in America, that just wasn’t the case.

Things have since changed since David Tennant’s Doctor bridged the pond and Matt Smith’s Doctor graciously walked over it. But still, it is nothing like the merchandise that London specifically has.

Truly going into the Forbidden Planet in London was a Doctor Who fans dream. So why can’t we have more of that here in the United States? I’m not sure how it is over the rest of the world but at least here it is the bare minimum. Our Forbidden Planet has just a few Doctor Who things and that is so shocking to me since in London that is where I found all of it.

So here my plea: why can’t we just have more merchandise in the United States? Most of us have to go online or go to Hot Topic and really that isn’t fair to us fans. Especially because a lot of us don’t want to go into Hot Topic.

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So while it probably won’t change, it would be lovely if we could just have some more merchandise. Just a shirt here or there. Or even a bow-tie! Just some more Doctor Who stuff for the nerd in all of us.