Game of Thrones fansite Watchers on the Wall has done some detective work and uncovered what’s very likely the lineup of editors and directors of photography for the show’s upcoming seventh season. Let’s check ’em out.
HBO announced who would be directing each of the upcoming seven episodes shortly after season 6 ended. Here’s how it lays out:
- Episode 1: Jeremy Podeswa (“Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken,” “Home”)
- Episode 2: Mark Mylod (“High Sparrow,” “The Broken Man”)
- Episode 3: Mark Mylod
- Episode 4: Matt Shakman (new to the show)
- Episode 5: Matt Shakman
- Episode 6: Alan Taylor (“Baelor,” “Fire and Blood”)
- Episode 7: Jeremy Podeswa
Directors of photography and editors both work with individual directors to shape the final episode. Everyone hired this year has worked on the show before, so they come front-loaded with experience.
Let’s start with the DIRECTORS OF PHOTOGRAPHY, otherwise known as cinematographers, the people who manage the camera and light crews and are responsible for the look of every shot. This year’s DPs break down neatly by episode. We start with Gregory Middleton, who tweeted early this year that he worked on the first and last shots of season 7.
First and last shot of Season7 #GameOfThrones done now. Hardest working crew almost at the finish line, hang in there!
— Gregory Middleton (@middlecam) January 28, 2017
As detailed above, Thrones vet Jeremy Podeswa is directing the first and last episode of season 7. Middleton has worked on each of Podeswa’s previous four episodes, so it’s safe bet that he’ll be working with the director again.
Next up is P.J. Dillon. His resume lists him as having worked on five Game of Thrones episodes total. He’s already worked on three that we’ve seen: one in season 2 (“What Is Dead May Never Die”) and two in season 6 (“The Broken Man” and “No One”). So that leaves two more for season 7.
In season 6, Dillon worked with director Mark Mylod on both of his episodes, so it can be assumed that the two will team up again. That means Dillon will work on Episodes 2 and 3.
Next comes Jonathan Freeman, a Thrones veteran who’s worked on seven episodes of the show, including crucial hours like season 4’s “Two Swords” and season 6’s “The Door.” Freeman’s resume lists him as lensing season 7, and lists Taylor as being among the directors he’s worked with. As Taylor is only directing one episode in season 7 — Episode 6 — it’s clear that Freeman is working with Taylor on season 7’s all-important penultimate episode. (Freeman previously worked on the season 2 finale, “Valar Morghulis,” with Taylor, so they have a working relationship.)
That leaves episodes 4 and 5, directed by newbie Matt Shakman. For this, HBO has drafted Thrones vet Robert McLachlan. MacLachlan has lensed six episodes of the show up to this point, including “The Rains of Castamere” and “The Dance of Dragons,” the latter of which earned him an Emmy nomination. (He got one for his work on “Mhysa” as well.) A recent article from the American Society of Cinematographers states that McLachlan has done eight episodes of the show total, so that’s two for season 7.
The complete list:
- Episode 1: Gregory Middleton
- Episode 2: P.J. Dillon
- Episode 3: P.J. Dillon
- Episode 4: Robert McLachlan
- Episode 5: Robert McLachlan
- Episode 6: Jonathan Freeman
- Episode 7: Gregory Middleton
Next: the EDITORS. Watchers posits that Crispin Green, who has worked with Jeremy Podeswa on all of the director’s previous Thrones episodes, is working with him again in season 7. In other words, he’s probably editing the premiere and the finale. (In addition to a handful of other episodes, Green also edited “The Door,” which is a nice feather in his cap.)
Meanwhile, it’s easy to figure out where Tim Porter is working: his resume lists him as editing Episodes 2 and 6 of season 7. Porter has previously edited nine episodes of the show, including barn-burners like “The Children,” “Hardhome,” “Battle of the Bastards,” and “The Winds of Winter.” Hopefully his new episodes will live up the standards set by those.
Next up is Katie Weiland, whom Watchers reports is working with director Matt Shakman on episodes 4 and 5. Weiland is the most practiced Thrones vet on the list, having edited a whopping 18 episodes, including “Kissed by Fire,” “The Lion and the Rose,” “The Watchers on the Wall,” and “The Dance of Dragons” — she won an Emmy for that last one. Notice that the show is pairing the most experienced editor with Shakman, the newbie director, perhaps to give him extra support.
That leaves episode 3, directly by Mark Mylod. The editing duties there will be handled by Jesse Parker, whose agency lists him as working on season 7. He previously edited Mylod’s “The Broken Man” in season 6, and worked as an assistant editor on the show for several seasons prior to that.
Here’s the full list of editors:
- Episode 1: Crispin Green
- Episode 2: Tim Porter
- Episode 3: Jesse Parker
- Episode 4: Katie Weiland
- Episode 5: Katie Weiland
- Episode 6: Tim Porter
- Episode 7: Crispin Green