Doctor Who TV: 4 Recap Moments From Knock Knock



In Saturday’s episode of Doctor Who, we followed Bill and her friends through the classic rite of passage — finding a house as a student. Through many failures, they eventually found a landlord looking for tenants for his large house.

Creepy and old as it is, the six students are excited to have a house bigger than what they could normally afford and settle in. Passing up the odd sounds to the fact that the house is most likely older than the Doctor himself, they begin their first night in the house.

Despite the fact that everything basically a neon sign saying “YOU NEED THE DOCTOR”, they ignored the issues and continued believing everything was alright.

Until obviously, things went wrong. Eventually, people began to be eaten by alien wood roaches, turning up the scariness for anyone who has a phobia of bugs. The episode fell on a weird note, not the best episode — certainly not what it was hyped up to be — but it continued with Season 10’s theme of a better episode, even if this might have been the ones with the most issues.

Issues or not, there are still good and bad moments of this episode, and we’ll cover them all in this recap moment post. The moments that left us wondering, the moments that gave us pause, and the moments we loved. All together in a recap post.


4. Little Mix

This was a bit odd and out of touch with what we normally hear with Doctor Who. I don’t remember the last time I heard a montage set to Top 40’s music (even if it is one of my favorite songs).

The song, in case anyone was wondering or didn’t look it up, was Black Magic by Little Mix, a girl group born out of the X Factor in the One Direction era. Think a modern day Spice Girls. It was nice to hear some music, but it seemed ill and out of place. Were we just trying to really get into our heads that Bill is a student, so we gave her stereotypical teenager music?

Wouldn’t Bill be more like an 80’s girl, since Pearl Mackie has already talked about her symbol to Prince in her outfit? Am I thinking about this too much? Probably.

I just had to add this to the recap because it was so different from what we would expect from Doctor Who. Especially, ironically, in the creepiest setting yet for the season.

Credit: BBC

3. Katsaridaphobia

Also a name for phobia of cockroaches. Geek described the episode perfectly, and even those who love it will have to agree.

"Whereas Moffat a decade ago introduced a truly inventive, truly terrifying concept (I still get goosebumps walking through statue gardens), Bartlett simply turned an everyday phobia up to 11—with chilling effect."

I think we can all agree that as good as this episode was in most people’s eyes, for people who hate cockroaches, this one definitely took on that fright. Hey, I’m all for Doctor Who taking people’s every day frights and turning them into something alien. It kind of helps the fear. (Except for wasps. I will always be afraid of wasps.)

But cockroaches in an episode with 3D audio, that probably had some people looking over their shoulder for a few hours after the episode.

2. Alright, let’s talk about Bill

I wanted to keep this post devoid of any real topics that have been talked to death, but I suppose that’s impossible. People have had mixed feelings about Bill since she came onto the show four episodes ago, and continue to change their minds with every episode. Normally it seems to go from “tolerable to intolerable” with not much interest otherwise.

With Pearl Mackie only being on the show for one season, that’s kind of how I feel. I don’t really expect much, especially with everything changing at the end of the season.

That doesn’t mean, however, I’m going to completely ignore her. I get when there are episodes that take attention away that things get weird. What worked with Matt Smith doesn’t work with Peter Capaldi. Eleven could have sat with this bunch and been the life of the party. Twelve isn’t like that. But that doesn’t explain Bill’s actions throughout the episode.

The main issue I’ve heard that people don’t like about Bill is that she’s “thick”. When I hear this complaint from people, I take it with a grain of salt. Wouldn’t you be if you were shown something that defied everything you knew? But my issue in this episode is that…she’s thick! 

I don’t know if it’s intentional, that she’s ignoring the obvious issues to try to have a normal couple of days with her friends, or if she really just believes that a landlord showing up right when you need him and having a house that has sounds beyond normal house settling noises, is normal.

I guess my feeling about this whole situation is the same as you would with a boyfriend or a girlfriend. If you’re one way around them, and different around your friends, what does that mean?

1. Regeneration

Once again, I’m here to talk about something that we’ve already talked through, but each week it looks like we get more information, so why don’t we continue to talk? This time we got a big hint, the Doctor knows, and is friendly with, the person inside the vault. That person inside likes to play the piano and talking about kids getting killed.

For those of you who believe it’s Missy, which I’m sure is most of the population, there is a picture of her laying on something that conceivably be a piano.

Yes, that is fairly hard evidence that she’s most likely laying on a piano. We know that, despite the differences between the Doctor and the Master/Missy, that he always seems to care about her/him and, in the end, will do anything for him. So, it’s not so hard to believe that either Missy or John Simm’s Master could be in there (though, out of the two, I would go for Missy).

However, doesn’t it all just seem too obvious? Wouldn’t we expect more from Moffat about this? Shouldn’t we expect him to open the vault and walk in and it’s Doctor 9.344 that we’ve never seen? To be able to guess Moffat’s moves just makes it seem too obvious.

I suppose time will tell, and we’ll know in about 2 weeks.

Next: Torchwood Season 5, Coming Soon!

What were your favorite moments in Knock Knock? What did we miss? Talk to us in the comments or at @DrWhoWatch!