Credit: BBC
Oh Missy, you’re so fine…hey Missy! Let’s talk about the last time we saw Missy, and what it could mean.
After figuring out, hopefully, about the vault — even if it put a little bit of egg on my face — last night I decided to go back and watch the last episodes of Missy that we had. I went back and watched The Magician’s Apprentice and The Witch’s Familiar. In those episodes, I learned a couple of things that might come back to haunt the Doctor this season.
In the midst of an amazing acting job that made me laugh out loud at times and genuinely enjoy what is an evil character, something kept popping up. Something that made me realize that perhaps Moffat has been planning this regeneration for longer than we thought.
In The Magician’s Apprentice, we saw the Doctor throwing himself a party, knowing he was going to die. He also did something that I would be my life will be coming back this season — he sent Missy his will.
Obviously, of course, the Doctor didn’t die. And I loathe to say this, but even after watching the episodes last night, I didn’t see a reason that he thought he was going to die. Maybe he wanted to throw a party and teach the word ‘dude’ centuries early.
We never find out what’s in the will, the Doctor chases Missy off of Skaro for trying to hurt Clara, and that’s it.
Which means…
What is in the will? We’ve seen the Doctor’s reaction to regeneration this season, he has to know that the end is nigh. Is it possible that we’ll see it again?
Also, he was angry with Missy — enough to chase her off Skaro — because of what she did to Clara. But now he doesn’t remember Clara.
Enough speculating about the problems that arise once you factor Clara in. He sent the will to Missy. Even though by the end of the episodes he had it back, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see it again before the regeneration scene.
So, what can Missy bring to the series?
Many things, I’m guessing.
- I would expect her to try to confuse the Doctor about Clara. Even if they’re having Mexican food inside the vault, she still would like to see him confused. They are the epitome of archfrienemies, and I would go as far to say that Missy could, somehow, bring back the memories of Clara.
- Backstory! (Hopefully) We’ll figure out how she got inside the vault. Did it have something to do with River, since that’s the first time we saw Nardole? Was it UNIT? Or did the Doctor do it and simply…forget?
- Witty one-liners. Say what you want about anything, but Capaldi and Gomez have some of the best one-liners on the show I’ve ever seen.
- Her reaction to Bill. I can’t wait to see her reaction to the Doctor travelling with someone who could never possibly like him. The joke about the Doctor in New Who has been that he’s been getting older and needing younger companions. And the fact that Bill calls him her grandfather…is there anything better to give Missy to make fun of?