Screencap breakdown: The second trailer for Game of Thrones season 7

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Above is our first glimpse of King’s Landing — note the lion banners. Citizens cheer as a group of soldiers march through the streets. This could be part of a certain parade sequence we’ve heard about, but the weather doesn’t look quite right.

Next up: Cersei, hanging out somewhere dark.

Next, we hop across Blackwater Bay to Dragonstone, which Daenerys makes her home base after she arrives in Westeros. She contemplates the Painted Table, which Stannis used to plan his invasion of King’s Landing. He also used it as a surface for sex with Melisandre, but that’s probably not on Dany’s mind.

Speaking of Dragonstone, that could also be where this shot takes place:

It could also be the Iron Island. Hard to tell.

Elsewhere, Arya Stark sits astride a horse. She looks dressed for cold weather. Is she headed home to Winterfell?

And in another elsewhere, Jaime Lannister stalks away from the camera. He could be in King’s Landing, or he could be somewhere else.

Here’s a shot of Littlefinger glowering at someone from the shadows. The guy just can’t not be creepy.

And here’s a shot of someone sharpening a weapon. This shot also turned up in the first trailer. It came up when Cersei said “enemies to the south,” so the consensus is that it’s someone from Dorne — possibly Obara Sand — sharpening a spear.

And here, Dany walks across the sands of Dragonstone to her new home. Welcome home, my queen, and so forth.

Next: Jon Snow's stump speech