Rumor: Here’s what we know about the Doctor Who Christmas episode

There has been a lot of speculation surrounding the Christmas episode. Not only about the inevitable regeneration, but a picture recently popped up that has people excited.

From early May, we heard reports that David Bradley was hinting at a return to Doctor Who as the First Doctor. During the 50th Anniversary, he starred as William Hartnell in An Adventure in Space and Time, written by Mark Gatiss about the beginning of Doctor Who.  He told a group of fans when asked, that they didn’t hear it from him – essentially giving us the green light.

But then, rumors died down. People got caught up in Doctor Who episodes that were airing, and the Christmas episode seemed forgotten. Until yesterday. Yesterday, Doctor Who TV showed us an excerpt of an interview with Rachel Talalay, the director of the Christmas episode and past two series finales.

Talalay commented on the script, saying,

"“Oh, it’s so wonderful. I’m the biggest fan of it. It’s a tour de force. It’s a fanboy’s dream.I mean, there’s a certain absolute fanboy-ness to it, which will make you squee – but also it’s a beautiful, joyous, heartbreaking script. Steven is a genius. So I don’t lose sight of how lucky I am. Even when I’m like, ‘How the hell are we going to get this done?’”"

The keyword here is “fanboy”. Peter Capaldi’s favorite villains in Doctor Who are the Mondasian Cybermen, which – surprise, are from the First Doctor. He’s said that he has been a fanboy of the show since it aired. All signs point to a fanboy episode for Peter.

This already hints that there’s something never done before. There’s a picture that has been deleted (but stored by many fans, click the link to see) of the Christmas set. We see a blurry, but very obvious 1st Doctor standing next to 12.

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It’s unfortunate that we don’t know more at this time, but all signs are pointing to something big. And it wouldn’t be Steven Moffat if he didn’t go out with a big bang, and nothing is big like bringing in the First Doctor.