First Look: Christmas episode pictures with First Doctor

At the end of an episode that was already too exciting for words, the unthinkable happened. As we watched Twelve try to stop his regeneration (for now), we heard the voice that all Doctor Who fans should recognise – the First Doctor. Coming out of the shadows and into the light, David Bradley appeared, looking especially like William Hartnell. This is the second time Bradley has played the Doctor, the first in Adventure in Space and Time.

This proves what has been roaming the Whoniverse for months – the Christmas episode will be a duo Doctor episode. This is the first time two Doctors have been together in one episode since The Day of the Doctor, and the first time a Classic and New Doctor have seen each other since the Children in Need special, Time Crash. (If you don’t count Tom Baker‘s cameo in Day of the Doctor)

Rumors about the Christmas special have been spreading like wildfire over the past few days as set pictures began to emerge. We showed you one of them, and then on Friday, more popped up on Twitter.

Still, nothing had been confirmed by the BBC. We got the best confirmation we could, however, at the end of The Doctor Falls, when the First Doctor himself appeared.


"“You might be a doctor, but I’m the Doctor. The original, you might say.”"

And then we saw the fateful words, Doctor Who will return at Christmas. It’s true everyone, David Bradley is coming back as the first Doctor. No one yet knows the plotline of the episode, but it’s been described as “every fanboy’s dream“. Radio Times also reported back in May it might have something to do with the 50th episode (we also rounded up all the rumors back in May as well).

What we do know is the 12th Doctor landed in the South Pole, which is where the First Doctor was in A Tenth Planet before he regenerated. It could just be the tale of two doctors resisting regeneration. Who knows?

Since the episode aired yesterday, pictures have come out of the BBC (finally!) for the episode.


How will these two Doctors get along when they’re both so close to regenerating? How will their stories line up? Why did they choose these stories? We’ll speculate as time gets closer to the Christmas episode.

One thing’s for sure. Moffat and Capaldi are not ready to leave without leaving a lasting impression.

Next: 3 Important Relationships from Capaldi's era