We don’t know Grey Worm’s real name. He was taken from his village and sold into slavery when he was very young, and was drafted into the brutal Unsullied training program in Astapor. Drilled day and night, Grey Worm was turned into a robotic soldier, and even had to kill a baby in order to become part of the famed Unsullied legions.
Daenerys Targaryen freed Grey Worm and his fellow Unsullied in season 3, and he’s followed her ever since. Although his training had beaten many of his emotions out of him, he’s slowly gotten back in touch with his feelings, mainly through his romantic connection with Missandei of Naith. In addition to being an excellent warrior, he also got a crash course in diplomacy when he helped Tyrion run Meereen in season 6. He was last seen on board a ship in Daenerys’ fleet, heading towards Westeros.
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As one of Daenerys’ most loyal followers, we can expect Grey Worm to help her do whatever she needs to accomplish her goal of conquering the Seven Kingdoms. We also expect him to deepen his connection with Missandei, another one of Daenerys’ lieutenants. Like all Unsullied soldiers, Grey Worm is a eunuch, but love, we expect, will find a way.