Take the Black Podcast: Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 1, “Dragonstone”

Welcome to another episode of Take the Black, Winter is Coming’s Game of Thrones podcast. This week, our panel is very excited to return to actual episode discussions, as we dissect the Game of Thrones season 7 premiere, “Dragonstone.”

Our topics include:

  • The best damn cold open in the history of the series.
  • The Night King cometh, and…HOLY SH*T! Are those giant wights?
  • Cory Thone points out something potentially important that one of those giants is carrying. Cue legitimately surprised gasps.
  • We have a spirited debate regarding Sansa’s insubordination in #Starkbowl2017.
  • At King’s Landing, Euron Greyjoy has arrived and he’s having none of Jaime’s snobbish disdain. Isis thinks Cersei seriously respects Euron.
  • We all agree that Samwell Tarly’s montage of poop was arguably the worst thing ever shown on Game of Thrones, and we’re including the Mountain smashing Oberyn Martell’s head into pulp.
  • Corey Smith tells us about the special Valyrian Steel dagger seen in a book Sam was studying at the Citadel.
  • Hey, Ed Sheeran had a cameo in the season 7 premiere. We just thought you should know.
  • We all agree that The Hound stole the show.
  • Finally, Dany landed on Dragonstone and it was awesome.

As usual, Take the Black leans on the NSFW side (beware of F-bombs). Also, we mention a few SPOILERS along the way.

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Take the Black Podcast: Game of Thrones season 7, episode 1, “Dragonstone”

While I — the excited puppy of the group — initially thought this was the greatest episode in Game of Thrones history, I have now come down from my season 7-induced high, and am content with it merely being in the Top 5.

Next: Let’s contemplate this intriguing line cut from the Hound’s scene in “Dragonstone”

Each week, we’ll be taking questions from you guys and then answering them on the next episode. So head over to Twitter or drop us a line or in the comments below. Valar Morghulis, y’all.