Thank the Seven: Game of Thrones is back in our lives. Season 7 officially debuted this past Sunday with “Dragonstone,” which featured plenty of death, alliances, and betrayals. So just another week in Westeros. Let’s break it down shot by shot and see what bubbles up.
First, we’re treated to one of the show’s rare cold opens. We’re in the Riverlands, as Lord Walder Frey coldly surveys the room while feasting all the male members of his house. If your first thought is “wait isn’t Lord Walder dead?” just hold that thought.
Lord Walder proposes a toast, with “proper wine, for proper heroes.” That would be his unnamed new wife, who replaced the one killed by Catelyn Stark at the Red Wedding, next to him. What a life she leads.
As Lord Walder puts it, all the Freys “who mean a damn thing” are in this shot below:
Lord Walder has nominally gathered them here to discuss his plans for the Riverlands. Of course, this is the same hall the hosted the Red Wedding. Bad things happen here.
As the wine is poured, Lord Walder notes that it comes from the Arbor, a nod to book readers who know that the serving of Arbor Gold usually precedes some form of deceit or lying.
After toasting the men of House Frey, Lord Walder noticeably does not drink from his cup.
Lord Walder also stops his unnamed wife from drinking any of the wine, claiming he doesn’t want to “waste any wine on a damn woman.” Again, what a life.
Despite all the clues, the men of House Frey only begin to realize something is amiss when Lord Walder “congratulates” them for killing a pregnant woman, murdering “a mother of five,” and killing guests in their home. Houston, we have a problem.
That problem quickly escalates into full blown death and mayhem as the assembled Freys all start dropping like flies. Flies spitting up blood.
This poor serving wench is realizing she just poisoned a room full of people. And not a therapist in sight.
Lord Walder removes his face to reveal the true architect of the massacre…
…Arya freaking Stark.
Arya turns to Frey’s widow and delivers some of the best lines she’s ever had. “When they ask you what happened here, tell them that the North remembers. Tell them winter came for House Frey.” And we are officially back, Game of Thrones fans! Also, this little smirk has us worried.