Callbacks and Easter eggs in “Dragonstone,” the Game of Thrones season 7 premiere

There were many callbacks to previous seasons in the Game of Thrones season 7 premiere, “Dragonstone,” as well as a treasure trove of Easter eggs, if you know where to look. Let’s catalog what we can find.

Let’s start with the opening credits, where there were several interesting things of note.

Each time Winterfell has changed hands on the show — from Stark to Bolton and back to Stark — the appropriate sigil has appeared on the castle. It’s interesting, then, that King’s Landing still bears the stag of Baratheon, even after Cersei has taken over and replaced the Seven-Pointed Star that used to hang above the Iron Throne with the Lannister lion.

"[Everything] Everyone is talking about the small details, I haven’t heard anyone talk about the Lion replacing the Faith of The Seven yet. from gameofthrones"

Oh, well. Digging further, we find the Inn at the Crossroads has been added to the map. Well, technically it’s been on there before, but it’s more clearly marked now.

Might there be some big event there this season? We’ll have to watch to find out.

Before we exit the map, there seems to be a change at the Wall.

In season 6, the water to the right of the Wall looked like…water. But in season 7, the sea seems to be frozen, what with winter here and all. What might this mean?

On to some dialogue of note, Cersei’s declaration that she’s the queen of the Seven Kingdoms (or three, at best) reminded fans of something Tywin said way back when.

Tywin can’t be pleased with Cersei, as he looks up from his cell in hell.

After murdering a roomful of Freys, Arya happened upon a group of Lannister soldiers in the woods. Everyone was immediately afraid for the soldiers, and for good reason. The last time she encountered soldiers in the woods, it didn’t end well. But a little kindness goes a long way with the youngest Stark girl.

"[EVERYTHING] "Lannister Soldiers scene" may be a parallel to a scene from Season 3 from gameofthrones"

There were contrasts aplenty in this scene, including some insight into the differences in how southron girls are raised vs how Northern ones are…or at least Northern ones who live on Bear Island.

"[S7E1] South vs North contrast from gameofthrones"

It also reminded us that Arya had a father, once. Prepare for incoming feels.

"either way…she’s lucky to even have a papa."

Before we leave this scene, let’s briefly address all the hate Ed Sheeran got for having the gall to be in it. He’s far from the first musician to appear on the show, people.

"With the Game of Thrones hate Ed Sheeran is getting, here are just the musical acts the show has had…"

Moving on to the Citadel, Sam came across a picture of a familiar Valyrian steel dagger in the book he pilfered from the library. There’s quite a lot to this particular Easter Egg, so head here for the full story.

Oh hey, did the crossguard on young Ned Umber’s sword look familiar to you? If so, you weren’t alone.

"House Umber Crossguard Design"

Sansa said she learned “a great deal” from Cersei. This side-by-side shows that they’re thinking along similar lines where their deceased loved ones are concerned.

"[MAIN SPOILERS] "I learned a great deal from her" – Sansa. from gameofthrones"

Let’s go over a couple of obvious ones, in case folks missed them. That pair of bodies the Brotherhood Without Banners found in that farmhouse? That was the same father and daughter the Hound robbed and left for dead back in season 4, hence his overwhelming guilt.

Also, when Daenerys arrived at Dragonstone, she made sure there weren’t any reminders of its previous tenant left hanging around. Bye, Stannis’ flaming heart banner.

Next, we have a potential SPOILER on our hands, so proceed with caution.

Next: Our Very Serious Game of Thrones Recap—Episode 701—”Sheeranstone”

Okay. You know that shot where the Night King’s army marched toward the camera, and how terrified we were when we realized there were undead giants in it? Well, take a closer look and you’ll see that one of them is carrying a huge longbow.

We’ve seen first-hand the kind of range those things have.

What might the Night King use this one for? We’re not sure, but if you happen to be in possession of a giant, flying, fire-breathing lizard, keep it far, far away from that guy.

Finally, here’s an awesome collage of each major house making their debut appearance in Game of Thrones season 7.

"[MAIN SPOILERS] Four of the spectacular establishing shots from the premiere from gameofthrones"

Not really an Easter egg, but neat.

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