Our favorite reactions to the new Doctor from former cast members


NEW YORK, NY – APRIL 17: (Photo by Ben Gabbe/Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival)

We lined up our favorite reactions to the new Doctor, from past to present Doctor Who cast!

With all the Doctor Who news over the past week, there has been many different reactions. From fans, from celebrities, and from the cast themselves! We put together our three favorite reactions from different places for this post.

John Barrowman at SDCC

Ah, the joys of SDCC. All your favorite celebrities gather around to make unforgettable memories with 40,000 people. The rest of us? Watch on Twitter. (Am I bitter? I’m not bitter.)

In honor of the new Doctor, John Barrowman donned a TARDIS tutu and danced on stage for SDCC guests. Watching this, I think it’s safe to say that he’s in favor of the Doctor being a woman.

Barrowman did make sure to state that this was in support of Whittaker, and said, according to Radio Times:

"“This is to celebrate all the changes that are happening and being hated on Doctor Who right now,” he explained, to happy cheers from the audience."

While many Doctor Who actors stated their support for Whittaker, this takes the cake.

Barrowman is known for his amazing costumes and generally being outrageous and memorable, especially at San Diego Comic Con. While not many people would pirouette and sing on stage to lend their support, this is classic Barrowman. We’re here for it too, anything that would give us the lovely actor’s voice.

Colin Baker

Despite the fact that this is the most memorable, other Doctor Who alum have come together and announced their support for the change. My personal favorite? Colin Baker’s reaction to the fans.

He took to Twitter the day of the announcement and had much to say about the backlash received by the fans of the show.

I do particularly love the “parking the TARDIS” comment, as that has been one of the first comments when Whittaker was announced. However, like Baker says, the Doctor is known for not always parking the TARDIS on the right street, or country, or year, or planet.

Wibbly-Wobbly-Timey-Wimey…Patrick Troughton lends his two cents!

Another Doctor lent his support, though it’s a few years early! It’s alright, we don’t mind a bit of timey-wimey on Doctor Who Watch. Here’s Patrick Troughton talking about the Doctor changing and regeneration.

Looks like Troughton was on the bandwagon before it was even being talked about!

He says in the video, “There’s no limit to the number of doctors, or the sex of the doctors or the race–well, I don’t say ‘race’ because they’re not creatures from this planet.”

This was obviously recorded more than thirty years ago, as Troughton died in 1987. This is very interesting, as most people have only been talking about the change as it takes place in 2017. To see an actor who played the Doctor be open to the change of sex shows that this really is something that has been in the making for a long time.

One Doctor was more diplomatic on the subject.

While many Doctors were quick to go onto the “pro” side, Peter Davison was more diplomatic. He tweeted:

This is a welcome reminder to everyone to let fans get used to the idea of such a large change. While many of us may welcome the change outright, some may take a while to get used to it, and some may not get used to it at all. But we have to all try not to let it polarise us, which is what I believe Davison says (more or less) in his tweet.

Next: Top 5 Doctor Who Guest Stars

All of these show a range of support, from putting on tutus to reminding us to encourage fans who might be having trouble.

What have been your favorite reactions to the new Doctor?