Forgotten Characters: Jenny, The Doctor’s Daughter



In series four of Doctor Who, we were introduced to Jenny, the Doctor’s Daughter. She quickly changed everything that we knew about The Doctor.

The character Jenny has always been one of my favorites in the New Era of Doctor Who. Quick on her feet, she kept up with the Doctor, and even stumped him. She was clever, strong willed, everything that a role model for children needed. She was one of the many female Time Lords that came before the thirteenth Doctor that people forget — partly because of her story.

In the beginning of the episode, she was everything the Doctor despised. She was born and bred a soldier. She was a child of a progenation machine used by the humans to create generations of soldiers. Only military tactics were given in their brain, not even a name was given until assigned. During the episode, she was at odds with the Doctor and Donna. Finally, they realized something incredible.

Jenny was a female Time Lord.

Throughout the episode she quickly became a favorite, it only took 45 minutes for fans to get on board with Jenny, the Doctor’s Daughter. It even looked as though she would be coming along with Donna and the Doctor, giving us a dynamic not seen since the First Doctor. It looked to be a new age for Doctor Who. Jenny learned from the Doctor, wanted to see new worlds, stopped the fighting…

And then sacrificed herself for the Doctor. For some unknown reason, something that I still don’t understand, Cobb decided to shoot the Doctor, and Jenny moved in the way.

After a touching goodbye from father to daughter, we saw the Doctor get angry. More than angry, we saw rage. We saw anger he’d been holding in from the Time War threaten to come out at this one cowardly man with a gun, but even then, he never would.

At the very end of the episode, Jenny woke up, magically. It was an amazing surprise! When would she come back? To say this is a forgotten storyline is a massive understatement. A cliffhanger that massive with no mention of her again?

The showrunners RTD and Moffat both joked about what happened, but no one really gave it much attention. Until now.

Currently there are Big Finish audios in production, ready to tell the story of the character, but they have not approved it.