Game of Thrones Screencap Breakdown: “The Queen’s Justice”

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“The Queen’s Justice” was quite the episode. From Cersei’s stunning maneuvers to Jon Snow and and Dany’s first meeting, there was a lot to digest. We’re here to break it all down screenshot by glorious screenshot. So buckle up and join us on this magic carpet ride.

We pick up the action on the island of Dragonstone. Jon Snow has arrived to treat with Daenerys Targaryen, a statement that seemed inconceivable just two seasons ago.

As usual, Dragonstone looks magnificent. Director Mark Mylod shows off the geography as Jon and company bring his skiff ashore.

Dany has rolled out the welcome wagon, consisting of Tyrion, Missandei and a group of Dothraki. Must not be any Unsullied left on the island.

Jon probably could have stood to bring a few more men with him — you want to present a front of strength.

Tyrion and Jon shake hands, old friends reunited.

Missandei asks that the Northmen hand over their weapons, and this eyeliner-loving Dothraki guy comes to collect Jon’s sword.

Jon volunteers Longclaw first.

The rest of his men reluctantly follow their King’s lead — the dude below is giving the Dothraki the stink eye.

We can see the ship Jon sailed in on in the background. I hope he gets to see it again.

Damn, Dragonstone is looking majestic.

Tyrion and Jon walk along this awesome-looking seawall. The location shooting this year clearly paid off.

As the group are enjoying their stroll, in pops Drogon with a Maverick-like fly by. Too bad Jon wasn’t holding a cup of coffee.

Naturally, Jon hits the deck.

We’re guessing the dragons just circle the island all day while Dany puzzles out her next move.

Turns out we aren’t the only ones admiring the sea wall. We’re pretty sure that’s what Melisandre is doing here.

Apparently no one can spot the woman dressed all in red. Because that doesn’t stand out. Or maybe Jon just didn’t want to look impolite by asking.

Varys arrives on the scene to tell Melisandre that she doesn’t have to leave Westeros, but she can’t stay, either. Check him out in his new wooly duds.

This was filmed on San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, by the way, if you’re looking for somewhere to go on vacation.

Melisandre is all smiles, turning Varys’ threat back around on him. “I will return, dear Spider, one last time. I have to die in this strange country, just like you.”

That’ll teach him not to interrupt my staring time, she thinks.

But Varys is too busy for prophecies, as he sees a Greyjoy ship off the coast of Dragonstone.